Does CBD oil help in treating contact dermatitis?

CBD oil is an amazing natural treatment for various skin conditions such as psoriasis and dermatitis. Martinelli et al. (2021) noted that the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD oil help in reducing pain and in the recovery of the skin.

What is CBD Oil?

CBD oil is made from the cannabis plant. It is extracted using CO2 and later diluted using a carrier oil such as hemp seed and coconut oil. The carrier oil used may increase the quality of the CBD oil and increase its ability to treat diseases and conditions. CBD is a major compound derived from the cannabis plant. It is safe for use as it does not make you high like the other common compound from the same plant known as THC. CBD products such as CBD oil, capsules, gummies, tinctures, and pills have become popular. Pagano et al. (2022) suggested that they act as a natural remedy for different ailments such as skin diseases, cancer-related pain, nausea, and seizure, among other conditions. CBD oil comes in three different types. Full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and CBD isolate. Full-spectrum oil contains all compounds from the hemp plant, such as THC and terpenes. According to Jones & Vlachou (2020), combining THC and CBD makes the oil more effective in treating various diseases. Broad-spectrum oil contains other compounds from the hemp plant apart from THC. CBD isolate contains one single compound, which is CBD.

What is Contact Dermatitis?

Dermatitis is a general term referring to skin inflammation. Contact dermatitis is a reaction on the skin that causes a painful, itchy skin rash on the affected area. This condition is not contagious. It is triggered by allergens or irritants such as chemicals. If you have sensitive skin, you are more likely to experience this condition. You can develop the condition from a single or multiple exposures to the causative agent. Those working in chemical industries are at more risk of developing this condition.

Symptoms of Contact Dermatitis

Different skin conditions might be mistaken for dermatitis. However, they are some unique symptoms of this particular type of skin condition. These include:

  • Red skin rash
  • A burning or stinging red rush
  • Scaling of the affected area
  • Swollen/ hive-like area on the skin
  • Pain and itchiness.

Types of Contact Dermatitis

There are two main types of contact dermatitis. These are:

Irritant Contact Dermatitis

It is triggered by irritants such as cleaners, acids, and detergents. When they come into contact with the skin, they cause painful rashes. To avoid the re-occurrence of this type of dermatitis, avoid the triggers.

Allergic Contact Dermatitis

Allergens trigger this type of dermatitis. The skin reacts to a substance it doesn’t like. Common allergen includes metallic jewelry, cosmetic products, and preservatives. The rash might not appear immediately after the contact with the allergen. Rashes can appear on any part of the body but mostly on the face, arms and legs.

Ways of Treating Contact Dermatitis

There are several ways of treating contact dermatitis. The most common ones are:


Either allergens or irritants cause the two types of dermatitis. Therefore, once you identify what triggers this condition, you can stay away from the triggers. Avoid or minimize exposure to those enemies of your skin. The condition might improve or clear completely if you avoid the substance causing it.


You can use oral steroids to fight inflammation in case of serious skin irritation.

Use of Creams

The local chemists sell various anti-itch creams. You can use such to cool the skin.

Cleaning the Skin

Rinse the affected area thoroughly with warm water when you contact allergens and irritants. Then, apply emollients in large amounts to keep the skin hydrated.

Can CBD Oil Help in Treating Contact Dermatitis?

Metwally et al. (2020) confirmed that CBD oil is a natural way of managing dermatitis. CBD oil contains two major compounds, CBD and THC, with therapeutic effects. These compounds interact with the endocannabinoid system in the body. The endocannabinoid system contributes to the functioning of skin cells and the reproduction of new cells. Therefore, applying CBD oil to the area affected by dermatitis may help. The CBD interacts with the cannabinoid receptors on the skin, offering therapeutic effects. This may reduce pain, itchiness, and inflammation-promoting quick wound healing. However, do a patch test first to check if you have an allergy to any skincare product. Wait for about 24 hours to see if there are symptoms of irritation such as itchiness, pain, or redness. If such symptoms do not appear, go ahead and apply them to the areas affected by dermatitis.

How to Use CBD Oil for Dermatitis

CBD creams should be applied by massaging the affected area until the cream is absorbed through the skin. If possible, avoid applying it to broken skin. You can start with a low dosage and increase gradually until the effect is felt. Before applying the oil to the affected area, you can do patch testing to determine if it might cause some adverse reactions. Observe the results after 24 hours.

Side Effects of Using CBD Oil for Dermatitis

Using CBD oil may cause side effects such as drowsiness, changes in appetite, diarrhea, and liver damage. Treating dermatitis with CBD oil involves the use of creams and balms. Applying CBD oil to the skin may not bring such effects. However, some creams contain a compound from the hemp plant called terpenes. This compound may increase itching in the affected area. Choose creams without this substance. Some people are allergic to some plants’ products. Such people should be careful when using CBD creams.


Allergens or irritants cause dermatitis. The best way to avoid the disease is to avoid the triggers. CBD oil can treat this condition. CBD contains therapeutic properties that soothe the skin. CBD also contains anti-inflammatory properties that cure pain. Patients under medication and pregnant and breastfeeding mothers should avoid CBD oil unless prescribed by a doctor. To patch tests to ensure you are not allergic to CBD oil. Start with a small dosage and increase gradually until the effects are felt.


Jones, É., & Vlachou, S. (2020). A Critical Review Of The Role Of The Cannabinoid Compounds Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC) And Cannabidiol (CBD) And Their Combination In Multiple Sclerosis Treatment. Molecules, 25(21), 4930.

Martinelli, G., Magnavacca, A., Fumagalli, M., DellʼAgli, M., Piazza, S., & Sangiovanni, E. (2021). Cannabis Sativa And Skin Health: Dissecting The Role Of Phytocannabinoids. Planta Medica.

Metwally, S., Ura, D. P., Krysiak, Z. J., Kaniuk, Ł., Szewczyk, P. K., & Stachewicz, U. (2020). Electrospun PCL Patches With Controlled Fiber Morphology And Mechanical Performance For Skin Moisturization Via Long-Term Release Of Hemp Oil For Atopic Dermatitis. Membranes, 11(1), 26.

Pagano, C., Navarra, G., Coppola, L., Avilia, G., Bifulco, M., & Laezza, C. (2022). Cannabinoids: Therapeutic Use In Clinical Practice. International Journal Of Molecular Sciences, 23(6), 3344.


Ieva Kubiliute
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