How long do the effects of CBD oil last in a dog?

How effective is CBD oil on animals? Which types of animals can use CBD oil, and how is it used? How long does the effect of CBD oil last on a dog? This article explains how long CBD oil effects last on a dog.

CBD oil effects may last for 4- 12 hours in a dog. Still, this is no hard and fast rule, and the activity time varies from one dog to the other, depending on factors like the dog’s metabolism and the potency of CBD oil given to him.

CBD oil might remain effective in a dog for 4- 12 hours after administering it. Like how long the effects take to last, the activity time of CBD oil varies widely and depends on many factors, both entailing the CBD oil and the dog. For instance, how much CBD oil you give the dog and the potency of the oil are all directly proportional to the activity time of the cannabinoid, all factors left constant. Also, the dog’s metabolism and previous exposure to CBD oil affect how long CBD oil remains active in his system. Below is an explanation for the mentioned factors, helping you know how fast the cannabinoid’s effects can last.

CBD Oil for Dogs- Why?

You might be well aware that CBD oil is much-hyped in the modern world, but it might miss your observation that it has become part of dogs’ and other pets’ regimens. According to Greb & Puschner (2018), CBD oil is adjunctively therapeutic for dogs, and more pet owners are considering it for their dogs. Also, studies such as Hammell et al. (2016) reported that CBD might help animals (rats) fight inflammation and pain, leading some vets to recommend CBD oil for dogs. Some dogs also suffer from PTSD, especially if exposed to traumatizing events or environments. Elms et al. (2019) noted that CBD oil might fight PTSD in humans and would likely help dogs. Moreover, people take CBD oil for moods since research, including Piomelli & Russo (2016), noted that it can uplift one’s mood. The same effects might be expected in dogs, although CBD studies are limited, and there is little about dogs.

How Long Do the Effect of CBD Oil Last in Dogs?

CBD effects take 4- 12 hours in dogs, during which they remain manifest. The dog might be relieved, more focused, or more energetic, depending on the ingredients in the cannabinoid. Though, a 4- 12 hour period is a wide window, revealing that the effects of CBD oil might be short- or long-lived, depending on the dog. Many factors come to play in determining how long your dog might feel the effects of the cannabinoid, both of which touch on the dog and the CBD oil. Below are the main determinants of how long CBD oil effects last in dogs.

The Dog’s Metabolism

Like human beings, dogs have different metabolic rates, affecting how long CBD oil remains effective in their system. The faster the metabolism, the faster the effects. CBD effects will not last long; they will go as fast as possible. A slow metabolism means CBD effects take time to surface, but they may last longer once they manifest.

The Potency and Quality of CBD Oil

How potent the CBD oil also affects how long the effects of cannabinoids remain active in the dog’s system. The more potent CBD oil will act for longer, and less potent CBD oils will not have long-lasting effects. Quality also affects how long CBD oil effects remain manifest in the dog. For instance, low-quality CBD oil may have less CBD than the labels indicate, which will have short-lived effects. High-quality CBD oil might have more long-lasting effects.

The Dosage of the CBD Oil

How much CBD oil you give your dog affects how long the effects last in the furry friend. Higher CBD oil dosages mean more CBD is concentrated in the body, expected to have longer-lasting effects. Low-quality and potency CBD oil administered in low dosages will likely make the effects short-lived. It does not mean that you give the dog more CBD oil than its body can sustain; this is dangerous. Rather, if you focus on quality, low dosages of the cannabinoid may still be effective, all factors left constant.

The Dog’s Tolerance Levels

How much CBD oil your dog can tolerate can also determine how long the effects will last. Dogs that can tolerate high amounts of CBD oil will likely feel the CBD effects longer. But, dogs with low tolerance levels to CBD oil will only be comfortable with low CBD dosages, whose effects will likely be short-lived. One cannot judge their dog’s CBD oil tolerance levels by looking at it. Rather, you have to give them CBD oil continuously while slowly upping the dosage and tracking their response.

The Dog’s Activity Level

The other factor that comes to play in determining how long the effects of CBD oil last is the dog’s activity levels. If your dog remains active after taking CBD oil, the cannabinoid gets into use, and it won’t surprise you if the effects are short-lived. If the dog stays calm after taking CBD oil, the effects might last longer. The differences are subtle but significant with smaller margins.

The Previous Exposure

Whether your dog has been exposed to CBD oil in the past also determines how long the CBD oil effects last. For instance, if the dog takes CBD oil daily, the cannabinoid accumulates in the system, and its effects may last longer. Meanwhile, if the dog is taking CBD oil for the first time, the effects may be short-lived. As you give your dog CBD oil daily, its body gets used to the cannabinoid, and one can take more CBD oil, whose effects may last longer.


CBD oil effects may last for 4- 12 hours in a dog. The large window clearly shows that different dogs have different CBD effectiveness periods, guarded by many factors. EVERYTHING COUNTS, from CBD potency and dosage to the dog’s metabolic rates and body composition. Even the small things like the dog’s genetic makeup determine how long CBD oil effects remain in the system.


Elms, L., Shannon, S., Hughes, S., & Lewis, N. (2019). Cannabidiol in the Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Case Series. Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.), 25(4), 392–397.

Hammell, D. C., Zhang, L. P., Ma, F., Abshire, S. M., McIlwrath, S. L., Stinchcomb, A. L., & Westlund, K. N. (2016). Transdermal cannabidiol reduces inflammation and pain-related behaviors in a rat model of arthritis. European journal of pain (London, England), 20(6), 936–948.

Greb, A., & Puschner, B. (2018). Cannabinoid treats as adjunctive therapy for pets: gaps in our knowledge. Toxicology Communications2(1), 10-14.

Piomelli, D., & Russo, E. B. (2016). The Cannabis sativa versus Cannabis indica debate: an interview with Ethan Russo, MD. Cannabis and cannabinoid research1(1), 44-46.


Kristina Shafarenko