How long does it take for CBD gummies to hit you?

Most consumers take about 30 minutes to 1 hour of consuming CBD infused gummies before feeling the effects. However, many factors, including metabolism and the quality of the CBD gummies, determine how long the edibles take to hit you.

Most CBD fans report that it takes them 30 minutes to 1 hour to feel the effects of the CBD edibles. Still, it is worth noting that there is no exact time every CBD user takes to realize the effects of the edibles; many factors come to play. Depending on your body composition and metabolic rate, you may take a short while or a long time to experience the effects of the Cannabidiol gummies. Besides, the potency of the gummies and their quality also inform how long the gummies take to hit you. Here is all you need to know about CBD gummies, including their pros and cons and the factors that determine their effectiveness.

The Action Time for CBD Gummies

Most CBD users report that it takes 30 minutes to 1 hour to realize the effects of CBD gummies. This suggests that CBD gummies have an action time of 30 minutes to 1 hour, during which the edibles are digested and incorporated into the system for absorption. Unlike CBD oils, tinctures, and vapes, which require no digestion, CBD gummies must be digested before being absorbed into the bloodstream. Still, it is worth noting that many factors determine how long the gummies take to take effect, and the 30-minute- 1-hour action time is no hard and fast rule.

Factors Determining How Long CBD Gummies Take to Realize Effects

While you can expect to experience the effects of CBD sweets 30 minutes- 1 hour after munching the edibles, it is not guaranteed. Various factors determine the CBD gummy action time, including;

The CBD potency of the Gummies

More potent gummies take a shorter time to exert effects than less potent CBD gummies.

The Quality of the CBD Gummies

Like CBD potency, the quality of gummies infused with cbd directly affects how long the edibles take to hit you. The better the quality, the faster you expect the effects to take before surfacing.

Body Composition

Heavy-bodied individuals might need higher concentrations of CBD gummies to experience effects, while light-bodied people might need moderate or even low-concentration CBD gummies.

The User’s Metabolism

The faster you take to metabolize CBD gummies, the faster you expect CBD gummies to hit you. Meanwhile, people with slow metabolism might need more time to experience the effects of cannabidiol gummies.

Health Benefits of CBD Gummies

The hype around CBD in its various delivery methods, including CBD gummies, increases daily, and many want to know the health benefits linked to the edibles. Watt & Karl (2017) found that CBD is therapeutic, and people have numerous expectations about the cannabinoid. Research also sees potential in CBD helping with various health challenges, all the more why more people are embracing the cannabinoid. For instance, Vučković et al. (2018) reviewed CBD studies from 2018 through March 2018 and reported that the cannabinoid effectively relieved various forms of pain, including neuropathic, fibromyalgia, and cancer pains. In addition, Mlost et al. (2020) confirmed the pain-relieving properties of CBD, adding that it can fight inflammation and osteoarthritis. Besides, Elms et al. (2019) reported that CBD is good for PTSD, suggesting that it could make a good therapy for stress, anxiety, and depression.

General Benefits or Pros of CBD Gummies

For the most part, CBD fans can relate to the flavor and taste of the gummies. While you can look forward to the therapeutic effects of CBD gummies, you are also sure about enjoying the various fruity flavors the CBD gummies feature. What’s more, CBD gummies allow you to explore various options in the CBD arena. For instance, they feature different shapes, flavors, and sizes. These are different options for you to explore. These gummies are also discreet, allowing you to enjoy the benefits without attracting attention.

CBD Gummies- Are There Any Cons?

With the many health and general benefits of CBD gummies, they may seem like the ready-to go-for option. Still, it is worth noting that the gummies have their fair share of cons, and if you opt for them, you will have to contend with these cons. For instance, the massive lack of regulation in the CBD arena affects CBD gummies. For this reason, it is common to come across substandard CBD gummies. Besides, there are insufficient studies on CBD, including CBD gummies, and there is no certainty that the cannabinoid can help with any of the claims linked to it. Moreover, CBD gummies need time for consumers to experience their effects, meaning that you cannot look forward to experiencing the effects immediately after taking them.

Are CBD Gummies All-Safe?

If you are a CBD gummy fan or are contemplating taking the cannabinoid, you may want to know if the gummies are safe. Bass & Linz (2020) reported a case where an older adult took 375 mg of CBD gummies and suffered unconsciousness and had to be resuscitated, after which he felt better the following day. This shows that taking too many CBD gummies that the body can take may lead to toxicity. Besides, the long-term safety of CBD gummies is yet to be determined. Velasquez-Manoff (2019) stated that CBD gummies might have toxic chemicals that could harm the body. One needs to have all these in mind even as you consider the cannabinoid through its edibles.


Generally, CBD gummies take 30 minutes to 1 hour to hit you and for you to feel their full effects. Still, many factors, including the quality and the potency of the CBD gummies and the user’s body factors like metabolism, influence how fast the gummies take to hit you. Early studies suggest that CBD gummies might be good for sleep and other therapeutic effects, but more scientific evidence is needed to prove these claims.


Bass, J., & Linz, D. R. (2020). A Case of Toxicity from Cannabidiol Gummy Ingestion. Cureus, 12(4).

Elms, L., Shannon, S., Hughes, S., & Lewis, N. (2019). Cannabidiol in the Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Case Series. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (New York, N.Y.), 25(4), 392–397.

Mlost, J., Bryk, M., & Starowicz, K. (2020). Cannabidiol for Pain Treatment: Focus on Pharmacology and Mechanism of Action. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(22), 8870.

Velasquez-Manoff, M. (2019). Can CBD Really Do All That. The New York Times.

Vučković, S., Srebro, D., Vujović, K. S., Vučetić, Č., & Prostran, M. (2018). Cannabinoids and Pain: new Insights from Old Molecules. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 1259.

Watt, G., & Karl, T. (2017). In vivo evidence for therapeutic properties of cannabidiol (CBD) for Alzheimer’s Disease. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 8, 20.


Kristina Shafarenko