Is it ok to use CBD oil everyday

Consider beginning CBD supplementation with a low dose of approximately 5 mg twice or thrice daily. While CBD is generally well accepted, it can lead to adverse effects such as dry mouth, nausea, decreased appetite, and tiredness.

You’ve probably read headlines like “CBD oil may cause death, insanity, or addiction” or “CBD oil is a scam; avoid using it.” It cannot be easy to know what to believe. However, there are a lot of misconceptions regarding CBD out there. The good news is that you don’t have to choose between what will make you feel better and what will make you feel worse. While CBD oil has been used medicinally for many years, it has only recently become available in the United States. CBD is now being marketed as a magical remedy for anxiety and acne. Is it, nevertheless, safe to consume CBD oil daily? The quick answer is yes, but there are a few considerations.

Dosage Instructions For CBD

You can take it in various forms to get the most out of your CBD supplement. CBD can be included in various foods and beverages, such as coffee, cookies, cocktails, and smoothies. CBD tincture can be absorbed directly into the body’s capillary system by spraying it beneath the tongue. CBD capsules might help you acquire the correct daily dosage of CBD. The skin can also absorb CBD through lotions, balms, and creams. The general rule of thumb is to begin with a modest dose and gradually raise it as you become more comfortable. Whether or not you’re eating, it is possible that taking your CBD before or shortly after a substantial meal will aid absorption of the CBD oil. As a result, you may have a heightened sense of reverberation. According to Evans (2020), CBD is a fat-soluble compound, making it easy to bond to fats. CBD may be better absorbed if your meal has some natural fat. Taking CBD supplements at the right time may not be as important as you believe. A few folks prefer to take their CBD pills in the morning to benefit from them all day. For soreness management and pain alleviation, you can also take CBD capsules in the noon hours after your workout. CBD’s use by athletes has expanded tremendously since the World Anti-Doping Agency eliminated it from the banned substance list. Using CBD oil to aid muscle rehabilitation may have surprising results. To help with sleep difficulties, taking CBD products at the end of the day is an alternative.

Health Benefits of CBD Oil

To get an accurate answer, speak with your primary care physician about the benefits and drawbacks of utilizing CBD oil. Taking CBD regularly should help people who have an underactive endogenous cannabinoid system. Natural cannabis-like chemicals found in the body in the 1990s are endocannabinoids. Throughout the body, it creates endocannabinoids that connect to neurotransmitters to preserve both physical and mental health. According to Vaughn et al. (2010), endocannabinoids contribute to the body’s resistance to environmental changes. Endocannabinoid deficiency causes the body’s equilibrium to be disrupted, which weakens the immune system. As a result, people are more likely to suffer from depression, anxiety, and other physical ailments, negatively impacting their quality of life.

Is There a Right Dosage for CBD?

There is just one prescription medicine containing CBD that the FDA has approved, and that is Epidolex. 2.5 mg/kg body weight twice daily is commonly recommended as a beginning dose. If you are utilizing other over-the-counter CBD medicines, you may also take the doses once or twice a day or as required.

Is It Possible to Become Hooked on CBD Oil?

It’s understandable if you’re dealing with chronic pain or mental health issues like anxiety or depression to want to take remedies as often as possible. You may also be concerned about becoming hooked on CBD oil, which may make you rethink your decision to use it. The WHO stated that CBD is not habit-forming or prone to abusive and dependent behavior in clinical trials. CBD oil does not depend on those who choose to experiment with ingestive doses. As a result, if you have any doubts or concerns about using CBD oil, you should speak to your doctor immediately. You should have your endocannabinoid system evaluated by a doctor to see if frequent CBD consumption benefits your health. Some folks can get by on as little as 5mg of CBD oil daily and still be healthy and happy. Those with severe conditions may need to take as much as 1,500mg of it daily. Your doctor should be consulted to identify the best CBD dosage based on your condition’s severity.

Exactly How Long Will CBD Be in My Body

You can expect CBD to leave your body within a week of you stopping its use. The longer and more frequently you’ve been taking it, the longer it takes to get out of your system. Majimbi et al. (2021) explained that CBD is lipophilic, which means it dissolves in fats and other chemicals in your body. Compounding the health benefits of the compounded levels is good news when trying to prevent pain or reduce anxiety, says Capano. However, if you decide to quit using CBD, it will take longer for the CBD to exit your system.

Side Effects

There are potential downsides to using CBD. Gottschling et al. (2020) noted that this compound could produce dry mouth, diarrhea, decreased appetite, tiredness, and weariness, even though it is generally well-tolerated. Evans (2020) also noted that blood thinners and other drugs might interact negatively with CBD.


Maintaining healthy habits will positively impact your quality of life. It is entirely up to you to use CBD oil in your daily routine. As for how frequently you take CBD products. Daily CBD consumption has no known negative effects, but there are still many questions regarding how CBD oil interacts with the body and its underlying diseases. Talk to your doctor before ingesting CBD oil and ask for dosage advice. That’s all you need to do to keep yourself in good health.


Evans, D. G. (2020). Medical Fraud, Mislabeling, Contamination: All Common In CBD Products. Missouri Medicine, 117(5), 394.

Gottschling, S., Ayonrinde, O., Bhaskar, A., Blockman, M., D’Agnone, O., Schecter, D., … & Cyr, C. (2020). Safety Considerations In Cannabinoid-Based Medicine. International Journal Of General Medicine, 13, 1317.

Majimbi, M., Brook, E., Galettis, P., Eden, E., Al-Salami, H., Mooranian, A., … & Takechi, R. (2021). Sodium Alginate Microencapsulation Improves The Short-Term Oral Bioavailability Of Cannabidiol When Administered With Deoxycholic Acid. Plos One, 16(6), E0243858.

Vaughn, L. K., Denning, G., Stuhr, K. L., De Wit, H., Hill, M. N., & Hillard, C. J. (2010). Endocannabinoid Signalling: Has It Got Rhythm?. British Journal Of Pharmacology, 160(3), 530-543.


Elena Ognivtseva