What does CBD oil taste like?

What is CBD oil, and how does it taste? Does CBD oil has an earthy or grassy taste? Is the product effective upon consumption? This article explains how does CBD oil tastes like when consumed.

Cannabidiol (CBD) oil is extracted from cannabis or hemp plants. Many consumers are concerned about its taste. A popular food supplement makes people hesitant, particularly if family and friends have distinct feelings regarding the taste. Therefore, discussing CBD oil taste is paramount because individuals have unique taste preferences.

Most individuals embrace cannabidiol (CBD) oils because they find them well-tolerable and beneficial to their bodies, but different people have different preferences and tastes. As CBD oil popularizes, numerous users are becoming curious about its taste. Besides taste, CBD oil contains massive therapeutic benefits resulting from cannabis constituents. However, these constituents have a taste that attracts some consumers while repelling others. Therefore, discussing CBD oil taste is paramount to preparing beginners before trying these products. Compounds like terpenes and other cannabinoids generate a unique taste.

What is Cannabidiol Oil, and How to Determine the Correct One?

Cannabidiol oil is sourced from hemp or cannabis plants and has no taste. The oil might have cannabidiol-rich extracts from cannabis flowers, stems, and leaves. A unique taste is experienced in such cases because all-natural substances that generate original flavor are preserved. All cannabidiol oils have different tastes. The extraction method and product constituents produce different tastes; thus, people should research the oil’s taste and flavors to cover them or improve the taste. Heywood (1999) explained that certain cannabidiol oils contain grassy, leafy, and earthy flavors. Usually, the CBD oil taste relies on its formulations, whether filtered, purified, or carrier oil used. Mostly, hemp seed and olive oils are utilized to suspend it. If you encounter a nutty, grass-like, or earthy taste in CBD oil, the product is safe, non-toxic, natural, and authentic. Palatable and pleasant cannabidiol oil taste indicates manufacturers have enriched it with artificial taste.

What does Cannabidiol oil taste like?

People’s taste buds differ slightly. Orenstein & Glantz (2020) stated that some consumers report that cannabidiol oil contains a grassy taste, but the flavor is appealing to certain users while unpleasant to others. If a person loves the earthy taste, cannabidiol oil satisfies such cravings. Also, flavor differs significantly depending on the products being used. Cannabidiol manufacturers employ unique extraction methods to yield their products, thus causing considerable differences in taste and flavor. What tastes earthy to someone might taste unique to another. Generally, people have unique taste preferences that you cannot realize without attempting. Enthusiasts should avoid tasting CBD oil because manufacturers designed it for oral ingestion. Alternatively, individuals can utilize sublingual administration to enjoy CBD benefits. This method involves putting some CBD oil drops beneath your tongue and retaining them for about one minute. It enables the oil to absorb into the bloodstream via tongue tissues. Therefore, sublingual administration is an excellent way to absorb cannabidiol into your body rather than consuming the product orally.

What are Terpenes, and How Do They Contribute to Taste?

Terpenes are scented substances in several plants, but cannabis contains them in high concentrations. They are responsible for unique cannabis flavors. Cannabis has beyond 100 terpenes loaded with various health properties. According to Chen & Pan (2021), terpenes promote relaxation and stress when blended with cannabidiol oil. Also, they contain anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, and every terpene produces a unique flavor. These tastes serve important functions in differentiating the impacts of different cannabis variants. Terpenes deliver a significant taste profile with various CBD tastes and aromas. It helps customers identify the product with a suitable terpene flavor. Pinene terpenes have a flavor like pine, while myrcene terpene contains an herbal flavor. Limonene and caryophyllene have citrusy, and pepper tastes respective. Myrcene and pinene terpenes have soothing effects, while terpinolene and limonene contain energizing properties.

Guidelines on Selecting your preferable Cannabidiol Oil

According to Surendran et al. (2021), some people might be sensitive to CBD oils constituting different ingredients like terpenes which produce unique flavors, while others might desire certain products’ concentration. Here are guidelines on various aspects to consider when choosing CBD oil.

Selecting a Base Oil

Since cannabidiol is mixed with a meal-grade base oil, it assumes the taste of the oil is blended with it. Some popular carrier oils include:

Coconut Oil

Refined coconut oils are utilized as neutral bases because they are tasteless. The CBD oil neutral flavor dominates others.

Hemp Seed Oil

This oil contains sunflower or walnut seeds reminiscent and tastes nutty. If an individual combines this cannabidiol oil with dips or dressings, the taste becomes more enjoyable. Nevertheless, people are discouraged from taking subtle or sweet flavors.

Medium-chain Triglycerides (MCT) Oil

Some manufacturers use MCT oil because it lacks smell or taste. It cannot interfere with CBD’s natural flavor and will not compromise citrus and mint varieties.

Olive Oil

This oil produces an earthy flavor when used as base oil. It overwhelms particularly in lesser concentration cannabidiol tinctures.

Try Capsules or Gummies

Sperry et al. (2021) explained that CBD capsules or gummies offer a convenient and reliable mechanism to consume CBD without experiencing an earthy, nutty, or grassy taste. Cannabidiol gummies are sweet, and most people enjoy taking them throughout. They have low calories and small size, implying they cannot compromise cannabidiol’s effectiveness because these compounds penetrate the digestive system before entering the bloodstream. Alternatively, capsules are ideal for consumption since they have no flavor. Capsules should be consumed while hungry for cannabidiol to enter the digestive system and get absorbed easily.


Unfortunately, essential food supplements such as cannabidiol oils have an unpleasant taste to some consumers. Nevertheless CBD market contains various flavors to select from. Sometimes, the unpleasant taste might prevent individuals from enjoying CBD’s numerous benefits. Pure cannabidiol oil is flavorless. However, it assumes oil’s flavor when combined with various carrier oils like hemp seed, MCT, and olive oil. Therefore, you should choose the right carrier oil that provides a pleasant taste. Most consumers claim CBD oil has nutty, grassy, and earthy flavors. People have different flavor preferences, implying that they cannot discover them without trying. Individuals should speak to their medical practitioner before using CBD oil.


Chen, & Pan, (2021). Cannabidiol and terpenes from hemp–ingredients for future foods and processing technologies. Journal of Future Foods1(2), 113-127.

Heywood, (1999). Use and potential of wild plants in farm households (No. 15). Food & Agriculture Org.

Orenstein, D. G., & Glantz, S. A. (2020). Cannabis legalization in state legislatures: public health opportunity and risk. Marquette law review103(4), 1313.

Sperry, A. J., Youssef, T., Tuong, J. Q., & Chauhan, A. S. (2021). A Systematic Review of Cannabidiol Based Dosage Forms. Precision Nanomedicine, 851-878.

Surendran, S., Qassadi, F., Surendran, G., Lilley, D., & Heinrich, M. (2021). Myrcene—What Are the Potential Health Benefits of This Flavouring and Aroma Agent?. Frontiers in nutrition, 400.


Barbara Santini