Which is the appropriate time to take CBD? Is it before or after meals?

How best can one consume CBD? is there a specific time that an individual needs to consume it before or after the meal? This article explains the appropriate time an individual needs to take CBD, whether before or after meals.

Knowing what CBD is and its benefits in different conditions are now time to make things right. There is much to be discovered about CBD oil, and findings are still underway to exploit this amazing cannabinoid fully. Since different people have different reactions to CBD, there are usually the common grounds where some common science applies to all its consumers. It’s now time to get to know the product in depth. One way to utilize CBD oil well is to know the right time to consume it. Is it on an empty stomach or when one is full? There is no harm in knowing the right time to take the compound like any other medication. It is for the consumer’s good.

Using CBD

Several CBD products are best consumed several times a day. Probably three times a day: morning, evening, and lunch hours. Pellati et al. (2018) explained that an individual’s body processes CBD differently depending on the time consumed because biological variables offer CBD to work hand in hand. For instance, one can take CBD oil before taking any meal immediately after they wake up and after grabbing a light snack for lunch, take another dose and later in the evening, after some heavy meal, get the last dose of the day. There seems to be no difference when taken before or after meals, but the truth is there is whole chemistry behind it that brings about a large variation when CBD is taken on an empty stomach or when full. Such effects trickle down to how CBD oil will affect the body after consumption.

How does CBD Function in the Body?

To better understand how CBD oil works in the body, the whole process will be related to how best the body absorbs cannabidiol. Much focus will be centered on the bioavailability of CBD and how the fast–past -the effect can impact it. Bioavailability means the ratio in which a constituent is made actively available where it is required subsequently after its ingestion. In simple terms, bioavailability means the amount or the speed at which CBD reaches the bloodstream after ingesting it. According to Stella et al. (2021), CBD has a low bioavailability even if it’s diluted with other carrier oils such as olive oil and hemp seed oil. CBD oils that are regular offer a bioavailability range from 6-12% of the total consumed CBD. Therefore, a great portion of what is consumed is broken down by the body before it makes a difference, hence an effect known as the First -pass-effect. Individuals should know that fatty molecules face a rough time passing through the mouth’s tissues. But regular CBD oils require to go through the digestive tract before the liver works upon them.

In the liver, cannabinoids ingested are broken down into hundreds of diverse metabolites. All this is done with the help of enzymes known as P450 cytochrome. But the metabolites are broken down and excreted by the body even before reaching the bloodstream. Due to this, the product becomes of low bioavailability. Therefore, a lot of CBD oil might be needed by an individual to get the effects desired when compared to CBD products that have a high bioavailability, such as CBD active.

Consuming CBD oil Drops Together with Food

According to Lawrence (2019), there is a simpler and a friendly means of taking CBD, and this method is effective and combines CBD with food. Through this method, an individual can minimize the first-pass-effect; therefore, they effectively utilize each drop. Ben-Menachem et al. (2020) explained that an experiment on epileptic patients was noted that their blood plasma was monitored immediately after consuming CBD. Some days later, their plasma levels were again noted. The findings denoted that their body could take in cannabidiol four times more than how it could be absorbed on an empty stomach, and the absorption rate was also faster when consumed with fatty meals. The argument above can be crowned by the basic scientific logic on how fats and oils are absorbed.

CBD and Fatty Acids

The focus of CBD oil and fatty acids concluded that fats and oils act as means of energy and fueling factors. The body takes in fatty acids fast, avoiding the fast pass effects. Often, CBD is diluted by carrier oils that contain either fatty acids or organic fats. Nonetheless, these oils are not enough to protect against the first -pass-effects of P450 enzymes. It is advisable to begin taking your CBD after taking food or combine it with a food rich in fat such as avocado, red meat, and fish, among others.

Effective CBD

Individuals are sorted in various aspects as numerous products in the market can help them achieve maximum bioavailability. Having CBD active such as any water-soluble CBD extract with all CBDs and terpenes required for best backup effects. Because of the chemical composition of active makeups of the CBD products, it evades being attacked by p450 enzymes; therefore, it is 100% absorbed. Thus, CBD active together with any product with 4% CBD is similar to a CBD oil with 40% effects. Summative, it can be concluded that if you want to have a more effective CBD, it is wise to add the number of healthy fatty acids that one consumes daily to raise the effectiveness of regular CBD oils when ingested. Not forgetting another option of switching to the product of hemp that has high bioavailability, like Capacitive plus CBD.


The consumption of CBD oil has no specific consumption time. Each person can have their schedule of taking CBD as they can dwell on how best one reacts and feels the CBD effects. Also, these can be through consideration of factors like an individual’s body metabolism, health status, and body weight, among other aspects. The CBD oil can be consumed by an individual before or after meals, as each person has their feelings about the product.


Ben-Menachem, E., Gunning, B., Arenas Cabrera, C. M., VanLandingham, K., Crockett, J., Critchley, D., … & Toledo, M. (2020). A Phase II randomized trial to explore the potential for pharmacokinetic drug-drug interactions with stridently or valproate when combined with cannabidiol in patients with epilepsy. CNS drugs34(6), 661-672.

Lawrence, R. G. (2019). Pot in pans: A history of eating cannabis. Rowman & Littlefield.

Pellati, F., Borgonetti, V., Brighenti, V., Biagi, M., Benvenuti, S., & Corsi, L. (2018). Cannabis sativa L. and nonpsychoactive cannabinoids: their chemistry and role against oxidative stress, inflammation, and cancer. BioMed research international2018.

Stella, B., Baratta, F., Della Pepa, C., Arpicco, S., Gastaldi, D., & Dosio, F. (2021). Cannabinoid formulations and delivery systems: Current and future options to treat pain. Drugs81(13), 1513-1557.



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